Carrie Klewin Lawrence
Press & Reviews
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My work has been featured in a variety of respected publications and media outlets.
Reviews | Awards | Testimonial
Links to other Press for Carrie Klewin
  • Signature Theatre's Playwrights Onstage Initiative
  • Playwrights Initiate Sexy "Variations" Showcase
  • "Carrie Klewin Lawrence's work shines in Signature Theatre's Playwrights Onstage Initiative, demonstrating her unique and captivating storytelling abilities."
  • The New Yorker: "Lawrence's 'Variations' Showcase is an intriguing exploration of intimacy and desire, showcasing her talent for delving into complex human relationships."
  • TheaterMania: "Carrie Klewin Lawrence receives well-deserved acclaim for her thought-provoking and boundary-pushing plays, pushing the boundaries of what theater can achieve."
Variations Project - Variations on Desire
"Baltimore's theater season dog days have officially begun, but Run of the Mill Theater didn't get the message. Its latest production, Variations on Desire, ends the 2005 season with a bang.... It's tempting to come out with a best and worst play, but it'd probably be missing the point. There are ups and downs, rough edges and smoothies, but Variations is a genuine collaborative effort that moves fast even when the edges are rough. The plays are short, melodic, and funny; that may explain why the evening begins with the Ramones' "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend." The Baltimore Playwrights Festival could even take a few cues from this production. You don't need a committee of judges to assemble talent in this city, just a good party in the middle of winter."
~John Barry, Baltimore City Paper
Variations Project - Variations on Fear
"A year ago, Run of the Mill received a Greater Baltimore Theatre Award for its 10-play evening Variations on Desire. It followed that up this year with Variations on Fear. Desire was good, Fear even better. This past year witnessed more polished, professional productions, but this 10-play evening--in which 10 local playwrights participated--was an inspiring, exuberant showcase of imaginative, idiosyncratic writing and acting. Theatrical collaborations are often iffy, but Fear struck the right notes: Run of the Mill gave everybody something to work with and then left them to their own devices. These plays were funny, scary, idiosyncratic, occasionally bleak, but never boring. The production had more the energy of a brainstorming sessions than that of a finished production--but Baltimore certainly could use more of those. Hopefully, it's a tradition that will continue."
~Baltimore City Paper
The Pirates of Penzance
"The Washington Savoyards have opened an entertaining production of Gilbert & Sullivan's masterly "Pirates of Penzance" at the company's new home in the Atlas Performing Arts Center...the pleasures of the production were many. The company rightly puts emphasis on its detailed ensemble work, and the sets and costumes were amusing and imaginative."
~Robert Battey, The Washington Post
The Pirates of Penzance
"If you want a comfy and lively evening of well recognized wit, whimsy and pleasing voices, then take in the Washington Savoyard's The Pirates of Penzance. Since its premiere on December 31, 1879, it has had who knows how many revivals at all levels of theater skills from high school wobblers to Linda Ronstadt in New York City. It remains an outlandishly plotted picaresque musical evening when a core group of competent professionals are surrounded by a gaggle of new-comers who throw themselves into the topsy-turvy world of Gilbert and Sullivan. Director Carrie Klewin and Musical Director N. Thomas Pedersen have cast principals who have the chops to effortlessly reach some surprisingly high soprano notes and find some pretty brawny low bass-baritone notes as well … and all this with smiles on their faces and nary a missed lyric or off key adventure. With choreography by Pauline Grossman, the energetic cast is able to move about the stage with a minimum of the missteps that often can come from large cast productions..."
"High audience expectations are met with this production of Pirates. Years ago, the great New Yorker theater reviewer, Robert Benchley, wrote that he wished to be "allowed to enjoy" Pirates in his own way ...." This production will allow audiences, either those die-hard followers of all things Gilbert and Sullivan or first timers, to enjoy it each in their own way. Director Klewin has a solid group of experienced featured actors who can sing and act at the same time. The large ensemble includes nine students from Catholic University who support the featured cast with solid skills and voices. And, in the large Atlas Theater space there are no microphones to be found on the actors but their voices by and large do project to the back of the House. In the various permutations of group settings and singing throughout the production, the harmony is pleasing. The men in the ensemble move about energetically, using some athletic leaps and bounds, while the demure and prim moves of the women are cheery and pleasurable to view. When the choreographed traffic of the chorus of over 20 moves around the Atlas stage, they do not seem to look about for their places -- they are a confident group."
~David Siegel, Potomac Stages
The Pirates of Penzance
"The Washington Savoyards get a positive "10" for their sparkling production of the "Pirates of Penzance" at the Atlas Theater. Every musical number was a joy to watch with the wonderful comic interpretations by director Carrie Klewin who emphasized the G & S nuttiness based on contradictions. Like a farce, the musical hangs on a thin line of misinterpretation but this present ensemble are so totally convinced of the story line that the audience howls with laughter at their silly convictions... This production is so well done it deserves full houses for every performance. It is highly recommended for 150 minutes of sheer joy...and a wonderful kid show with pirates being so popular nowadays."
~Bob Anthony, All Arts Review For You
Born of a Fairytale
"Do not miss Born of a Fairytale. It simply rocks with intensity, sheer enthusiasm, and creativity. This one woman show needs nothing more than a bare stage with stark white flats across the back, and simple blue lighting to tell her story in sign language, voice, dance and pantomime. The story seems to explode from her, and it is a delightful feat in effort and energy, and though she is working hard, she does not wear us out."
~Marcia Kirtland, DC Theatre Scene
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